In today's food field, a special dietary trend, gluten-free foods, is gradually emerging. The gluten-free diet was initially designed to meet the needs of people suffering from gluten allergy or celiac disease. However, nowadays, it has gone far beyond this specific group and has become a dietary choice that attracts the attention and is chosen by more and more people. What's the charm of gluten-free foods? Kāpēc tas visā pasaulē izraisa tik plašu uzmanību un tiekšanos? Kopā izpētīsim bezglutēnu pārtikas produktu popularitātes tendenci.
1. Increasing number of people with gluten allergy and intolerance: Gluten allergy and intolerance are relatively common health problems. Celiac disease is a severe form of gluten allergy. After patients ingest gluten, symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss will occur. With the development of medicine and the increasing attention people pay to their own health, more and more people have found through medical tests that they are allergic or intolerant to gluten. Lai saglabātu labu veselību, šiem cilvēkiem ir jāizvēlas bezglutēna pārtika. Viņu vajadzības ir veicinājušas bezglutēnu pārtikas piedāvājumu un popularitāti tirgū.
Glutēnu nesaturošu pārtikas produktu uzturvērtība
1. Rich in protein: Many gluten-free foods are rich in high-quality protein, such as beans, nuts, meat and eggs. Šīs olbaltumvielas ir ļoti svarīgas ķermeņa muskuļu masas uzturēšanai, audu atjaunošanai un normālu ķermeņa fizioloģisko funkciju uzturēšanai.
3. Containing a variety of vitamins and minerals: Gluten-free foods can provide rich vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin B group, iron, zinc, etc. The vitamin B group plays an important role in the normal function of the nervous system and enerģijas metabolisms. Iron is a key element in the production of hemoglobin and is essential for oxygen transportation. Cinks piedalās daudzu enzīmu darbībā un būtiski ietekmē imūnsistēmu, brūču dzīšanu un citus aspektus.
distinguishes itself as an remarkable gluten-free alternative. Tas ir lielisks augu izcelsmes olbaltumvielu avots, kas ir būtisks audu veidošanai un atjaunošanai, imūnsistēmas atbalstam un vispārējās veselības uzturēšanai. Augsts šķiedrvielu saturs palīdz gremošanu, veicina zarnu veselību un palīdz novērst aizcietējumus. Moreover, the unique combination of nutrients in
Glutēnu nesaturoši pārtikas produkti ir parādījušies un turpināja iegūt popularitāti pašreizējā uztura tendencē. Tā popularitātes tendence atspoguļo vairāku faktoru kopējo ietekmi. It not only meets the rigid needs of the gluten allergy and intolerance groups but also conforms to the growing pursuit of healthy diet by the vast number of consumers. From the perspective of nutritional value, its rich reserves of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals provide strong support for human health, enabling it to gradually gain a firm foothold and expand its share in the food market.
Beijing Shipuller Co., Ltd.
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Publicēšanas laiks: 17. decembris 2024